Word Contest
And here they are. (better late than never)
The entry results for which we have all BEen waiting for.
Overall, another resounding success. Have we come to expect anything less?
One person crapped out, which leaves four.
One person asked for an extension, so I said, "Sure, why not?"
Which leaves three, for now.
And so, here are the combined results, followed by full individual results BElow.
As verified, compiled and calculated by the Contester program at
Of course, none of The Mikey WereLitzerz
(*cough-spitIdiotz*), et al.) submitted an entry.
Natch. They 'shy away' from
(*cough-cowardz*) any situation where actual, real, hard data could
BE used against them to show them
for who and what they really are.
(*cough-megaLosers*) Which would very publickly occur
if they submitted an entry for a contest like
this (*cough-idiotz*), where they
would obviously dully, dimly sub-shine BElow all others.
And look (much) less than what they
claim to BE. (*cough-pissAntz*) Typical.
They may BE stupid,
but they are also dumb. Or something like that. What-ev-er.
Are you surprised? I didn't think so. Neither was
I. (can you imagine Michael Theroux (a.k.a.
"Midj") (*cough-littleMan*),
or Jess Tiffany ("Fellini") (*cough-myBitch*),
or Sandra (*cough-stupidWhore*),
or any of the others (*cough-loozerz*),
trying to perform, or out-perform, in a situation like this? — now,
THAT would BE funny! Like I always say, real-life
humor is often the best, and the funniest. Can't BE beat. *laffz*)
And now, on with The Show!
I won, of course. Was there ever any doubt?
Troll Tamer came in a good second. Good job there.
I can't BElieve I missed some of those words.
Although some of the uniques were really good.
Bunny Sniffer obviously, I think, chose to not try too hard, and/or spend much time on it.
Which is okay. Based on what they did doo, like their unique words, for example,
they could have obviously gotten a much higher score.
If they had taken some more time, and not blown off all the 2-letter words, etc....
And/or mayBE they aren't much of a word game playa. Happens. So, that was "unfortunate",
coz we can always use some real, good competition from the few around here who are
able to provide some. Butt, c'est la vie.
And we shall have to wait to see what Dark Horse doo.
Troll Tamer
Bunny Sniffer
Dark Horse
Total score
Total word count
Valid words
Invalid words
1 -- her
2-letter words
3-letter words
4-letter words
5-letter words
6-letter words
7-letter words
8-letter words
9-letter words
Duplicate Words
la, mi, or, pa
Bad words (
apeling, luv, vue, vues
Longest word
9 letters -- familiars
9 letters -- familiars
8 letters -- familiar/families
Highest scoring word
29 -- familiars
29 -- familiars
23 -- familiar
Unique words
aaa, aero, ag, agile, am, ami, arafat, area, arses, at, beta, bre, bur, dying, em, email, emir, eof, eot, epa, eros, err, et, eta, faa, faros, farse, farsi, gile, gyn, hire, hirer, in, ire, is, lap, lib, lima, linda, lisa, lye, lying, me, meta, mia, mias, mib, milieu, mir, nil, nile, nye, ore, pal, papa, para, pare, pars, parses, pyle, re, reo, rile, riles, ruer, saps, sara, sars, selma, siam, sim, soap, soaps, sofas, spare, spars, suv, tail, tame, tami, tamil, tamis, urea, usa, use, usps, wad, wap, yep, yul, yule, ling
afar, ai, alm, alms, alp, alps, ar, ate, atm, aw, axile, dye, elm, eying, families, fare, fl, fops, gar, il, lisp, lisps, luv, nv, ny, oar, oars, or, pd, pe, po, pope, popes, posies, ps, ropes, rr, rube, safer, similes, sora, sparse, spas, wv, xing, ye
burry, dap, lei, leis, paps
All words
aaa, ad, aero, ag, agile, ail, am, ami, ape, apes, arafat, are, area, arose, arse, arses, as, asp, asps, at, ax, axing, be, bet, beta, bile, biles, brea, bre, brie, brim, bur, burr, dying, ear, ears, em, email, emir, eof, eot, epa, erase, erases, erg, eros, err, et, eta, fa, faa, fail, fame, familiar, familiars, far, faro, faros, farse, farsi, fat, fate, fear, fears, flap, foam, foe, fop, for, fore, gile, gin, gyn, hi, him, hire, hirer, hue, hues, im, in, ire, is, la, lap, liar, liars, lib, lie, lies, lima, lime, linda, ling, lire, lisa, lye, lying, mail, mat, mate, me, met, meta, mi, mia, mias, mib, mil, mile, miles, milieu, mir, mire, miso, nil, nile, nix, nye, oat, of, ore, pa, pad, pal, palm, palms, pap, papa, par, para, pare, pars, parse, parses, paw, paws, pop, pops, pore, pose, poses, psi, pyle, ra, rag, rail, raise, raises, rap, raps, rasp, re, rear, ref, reo, rib, rile, riles, rim, rime, rope, rose, roses, rub, rue, ruer, safe, sail, sap, saps, sara, sars, saw, selma, siam, sim, simile, so, soap, soaps, soar, sofa, sofas, sop, sops, sore, spa, spar, spare, spars, spore, sue, sues, suv, swap, swaps, tail, tam, tame, tami, tamil, tamis, to, toe, urea, us, usa, use, usps, wad, wap, was, wasp, wasps, yep, yin, yul, yule
ad, afar, ai, ail, alm, alms, alp, alps, ape, apes, ar, are, arose, arse, as, asp, asps, ate, atm, aw, ax, axile, axing, be, bet, bile, brea, brie, brim, burr, dye, ear, ears, elm, erase, erases, erg, eying, fa, fail, fame, familiar, familiars, families, far, fare, faro, fat, fate, fear, fears, fl, flap, foam, foe, fop, fops, for, fore, gar, gin, her, hi, him, hue, hues, il, im, la, liar, liars, lie, lies, lime, lire, lisp, lisps, mail, mat, mate, met, mi, mil, mile, miles, mire, miso, nix, nv, ny, oar, oars, oat, of, or, pa, pad, palm, palms, par, parse, paw, paws, pd, pe, po, pop, pope, popes, pops, pore, pose, poses, posies, ps, ra, rag, rail, raise, raises, rap, raps, rear, ref, rib, rim, rime, rope, ropes, rose, roses, rr, rub, rube, rue, safe, safer, sail, sap, saw, simile, similes, so, soar, sofa, sop, sops, sora, sore, spa, sparse, spas, spore, sue, sues, swap, swaps, tam, to, toe, us, wa, was, wasp, wasps, wv, xing, ye, yin
are, asp, asps, bile, biles, burr, burry, dap, ear, erase, familiar, families, fears, flap, foam, foe, gin, lei, leis, lie, lies, mile, miles, oars, oat, pad, pap, paps, paw, paws, pore, posies, psi, rag, rasp, rasps, rear, rope, ropes, sap, saw, soar, sop, sops, spa, spar, spore, toe, was