Lookee Dere!
Lookee Dere!!
Spummage Supremium!!!
I hit paydirt with hi-octane gold ore content!

See previous postation for the lyrics to the songs
for those who may not know them.
Please try to not laugh too hard
whilst listening to these parodies.
We wouldn't want you to hurt yerself.
IRregardless, we cannot BE held liable
for anything.... at all.... ever.
I found a link to the original source material
for this parodial goldmine, although I
personally couldn't get past listening to
the first few minutes BEfore I started
getting rather urpie, so I quit.
If you have a stronger intestinal fortitude
than I doo, check it out. See the archives
and it's hours 3 and 4 of the 6/25/04 "show".
Semi-interestingly, the listing is shown as:
9:00 PM - 11:00 PM:
Michael Theroux (HD Slow)
discussing conspiracies and local gossip.
Long held secrets to be revealed.
Visit his site here
Didn't Michael Theroux claim
he retired as director of Borderlands
and passed it along to someone else???
AND wasn't it Michael theroux who claimed
little ol' Me didn't know who he was and
that he wasn't part of what I said he was,
blah, blah, blah...., effectively claiming
he wasn't "HD Slow", et al.???
MayBE he was simply suffering from a very
convenient bout of Temporary Insanity, or
something equally unBElievable. Ya think?
In My neverending webbish wanderings, lustful and otherWise, I ran across a site
by the name of Mo'z Art
that is run by a salt and pepper team named
Ima Dais and Wolfe Ghange. (no relation, I'm (pretty) sure)
And they doo know how to doo the Spummage.
Makes so-called SoCal MickeyX (a.k.a. "Bot-Boy") look like the
amateur wannaBE Idiot Xtremis he is. And Fellini, et al., as well.
Yep. They'z ALL gonna weep into their beerz and wino tonite.
Mikey ain't gonna BE none too happy at all to hear aboot this.
Putz them all to shame, in more ways than one.
BE aware that these audio files are rather large in size.
But well worth the download time if you have the bandwidth.
They were apparently taken from a recent David John Oates
Reverse Speech show and then parodied like there's no tomorrow.
First off, Michael Theroux is parodied to the tune of The Cars' "Drive".
Excellently fabricated considering there wasn't much to work with as source.
Although, if you listen carefully, and engage the thinking part of
your brain, you just might find a gem, or two. And if you listen closely,
you might notice call-ins by racists Sandra and Fellini.
drive_mt.mp3 ~9 Mb
Secondly, we have, yet again, Michael Theroux trying to star in
a flawless renditional parody to the tune of Animotion's "Obsession".
Oh, The Feud! And I and My minions are supposedly the ones who
"Can't get over The Feud". Yeah, right. When was the last time
you heard Me talk about the so-called "Feud". BEfore now, that is.
Will it never end? I hope not. Enjoy.
feud_obsession.mp3 ~8.5 Mb
And last, but certainly not least, except for the inclusion of
more of Michael Theroux's crappage, we have even more parody sung to
the tune of Jimmy Buffet's "Fruitcakes". Is that apropos, or what?
I suggest you take particular care whilst listening to this
polished diamond in the rough. Me thinks someone's ever-loose lipz
sank a ship or two here. Especially so after they had their drink
of "orange juice"? *wink* *wink* Oh, The Horror. *laffz*
Seriously, tho, when some people ain't none too brite, they seem to
at least BE good at dooing that. What a banana bunch of Idiotz!
Whilst some people STILL keep trying to get others to BElieve "we" were
the original Feud Puppet Masters, I guess that evidently makes Mikey
et al. the BEhind-the-scenes Finger Puppet Brigade WannaBE's who
couldn't even doo that right. So sad.
mt_fruitcakes.mp3 ~10 Mb