For the Love of Freaking Ass Gawd!
Wherein Popeye offers up a quick (yeah, right) explanatia and apologia
as to What in the Hell "this" is all about.
(for those who may BE confused, forgetful, new, and/or such)
(please note that
this color of pissant yellow
is used to refer to and highlight references to people and such who
are/ were/ will always BE
cowardly, scummy, lowlifes, ASSholes, Idiots, Putzes, and
other worthless pieces of shit-trash, and the like,
to various degrees and levels, mix and match, etc.... —
last updated ~ 10/31/2004 2:27 pm —
last time: 7/15/2004 11:10 am)
Once upon a time, not so long ago, in a World Wide InterWebNet seemingly
far, far away, or standing right next to you, depending, there was a,
shall we say, "community", of people who congregated, so to speak,
to discuss various issues and interact accordingly in and via CyberSpace.
Most of "us" were interested, for a variety of reasons, in a talk radio show
called "Coast to Coast A.M." (or something like that),
hosted by one Art Bell ( —
and his "well-known" 'netNazi' webmaster, donut-eater extraordinaire,
KKKeith Rowland),
and his/their many "interesting" guests,
and the 'fascinating topics' (?) they discussed on said show.
This was circa 1998, +/-, and for a few years thereafter.
There were a couple of camps, mayBE a few or a handful, mostly divided into
those who liked Art Bell and his radio show, and those who did not.
More or less. BEtween which there was much discussion, and argument, and
fighting, and infighting, and other sundry greater and lesser activities.
A good time was had by all. Okay, most. Well, a few of us, anyway.
Okay, okay — Mostly Me. (which, as we all well-know, is Most Important)
And a small handful of others. More or less. But I digress.
At and around this time, Art
Bell changed the direction and flavor of
his 'talk radio show' from general news/ talk/
"militia"-related issues and topics to general
news/ talk/ paranormal/ "strange". I, for one,
think this change was "hastened" by certain
events, such as the Oklahoma City Bombing, and
related events, and the subsequent rather strong
anti-militia aroma that pervaded the times. No
matter what some people say, Art Bell ain't
(wasn't) dumb. (+/-) Although, more-likely-than-not,
it was pure, unAdulteRated dumb-A$$ luck.
(yeah, yeah, "life ain't fair", blah-blah-blah, what-ev-er &mdash
guess what? there is a Hell —
and 'they' have set aside a special place for these people and their illK —
and I guarantee it ain't very pleasAnt — yep, not very pleasAnt at all)
Anyway, this ended up as a hugely lucky goldmine for Art Bell,
BEcause his 'radio talk show' took off in the ratings
and BEcame the most popular late night talk radio show ever, or something like that.
Topics on the show changed to include everything from
alien abduction to the zodiac,
Bigfoot to Yetis,
chupacabra sightings to X – The Unknown,
demonology to wicca,
E.T.'s to voodoo,
forteana to UFO's,
ghosts to time travel —
well, you get the idear and fuzzy piture. [sicK]
Anyways, there were a smattering of web discussion forums, IRC chat rooms,
websites and various usenet news groups that followed such topics BEfore,
during and after — both pro and con. Such as
"My BEloved Howl" © ™,
#hazy, "Sightings on the Radio"
(another wannaBE talk show) at (,
and (a.k.a. afab), among many, many others.
Not to mention the talk show guests' websites, such as
Richard Hoagland's,
David John Oates',
Whitley Strieber's, and
many, many others. A cast of dozens, I dare say. More or less.
And then came "The Feud".
Some Idiot in Montana
named Robert (a.m.) Stephens,
who is a well-known pathological liar
(known now, but not so much at the time,
until it BEcame WAY too increasingly obvious —
hey, he even supposedly fooled the late,
'great' Michael theroux,
who at one or more times was
Stephens' webmaster, if you
can BElieve that, as well) –
anyway, to continue, patho-liar and very "questionable"
individual, to put it nicely, jumped hip deep into
the virtual cow patty we were all creating for
ourselves, some knowingly, and others clueless,
and splashed everyone, and created ripples and waves and tsunamis. Yuck!
It wasn't all him,
although he likes to take credit for
it all. (as doo a few other Idiots)
There were several other so-called
"major players", and a vast host of "minor players",
and people who were "in the loop",
or thought they were "in the loop",
or wanted to BE "in the loop",
all who didn't understand (typical) that there was no "loop!",
who harmonically masturbated the various
situations and events in various ways and means
and levels and degrees. And pretty much everything
escalated from there. Kind of like a gigantic shit
snowball in Hell rolling dunnhill at us all at
rather high speed. Ker-Splat!!
And then David John Oates (a.k.a. DJO
– of Reverse Speech "fame") and Robert Stephens
(a.k.a. RAMS — and what a hilarious joke that moniker is)
[ and perhaps others ] apparently got in bed together
(don't even ask) after
Art Bell kicked both of them
off of his radio show and wouldn't let
them cum back, and certain words
and terms and phrases were used in an apparently derogatory and libelous manners and such
about Art Bell (and/or member(s) of his family),
and lawsuits and threats of lawsuits
and counter-suits and other
Flawsuits ensued (oh, my!).
For millions of ridiculous dollars all told. (none of which was ever collected,
of course — big surprise there — except, of course,
for the two (?) deep-pocket Idiots
(their employer and/or their employer's insurance company(ies), more likely)
back east that were unfathomably stupid enough to call
Art Bell a pedophile, or child molester,
or whatever it was they said on their
live air radio show — yeah, Art Bell
retired on that "small" undisclosed $um)
And supporters and detractors and fans and enemies and others took sides and the
melee BEgan all over Hell and back again.
And a bunch of shit rained down on certain
individuals who probably deserved it and upon others who probably did not deserve it.
And Game Players (in the very negative sense) played games.
And people lied. And people skewed facts and truth — and lies. And people with
hidden and camoflauged and obvious agendas acted BEhind the scenes and anywhere else
they could. And people did and said all kinds of things that I would rather not go into
here. I only have one life to tell this "brief" synopsis, after all.
And My time is worth money. BElieve you Me.
And that was all that. And then some. And some Xtreme Losers
still can't let it go today. (and some of them probably never will)
And later it was discovered that there were
a particularly stupid, ignorant,
ASSinine, disgusting, lowlife, slimey, piss coward
group of rather extreme Losers who were
doing a variety of unethical and hurtful
things to certain individuals in the
name of "fun". (many of whom just happened to BE
in our little "community"; by luck or by golly; on
both sides, actually) BEfore, during and after the
so-called "Feud". And
some of us (quite a small group, unfortunately)
decided that what they
were dooing was not right and should stop.
And so "we" set out to "stop" them.
(which has pretty much turned into "I" — which is
fine by Me — Why? BEcause I can.
And someone should. It's a dirty job, butt somebody's gots to doo it.
And I volunteer. Free gratis no extra charge. Yer welcome.)
And BEfore you get on yer higher horse, I shall point out that many of "us" tried the
"nice" way to achieve our goals BEfore we "got down and dirty", so to speak. However,
The Idiots, BEing the type of people
they are and choose to BE,
for some semi-inexplicable reason (just plain ol' dumbASS stupidity, prolly),
associate "weakness" with "goodness" and "niceness".
BIG mistake there. *snicker*
Sure, mayBE with some people, but not all of us. As they
soon learned. The hard way. *snicker*
A word to the supposedly wise, which is supposed to BE sufficient — In The End,
Good shall always prevail over "Evil." (butt especially so when that "evil" is more
"wannaBE" than even close to "real" — you know, "dim"
rather than "dark", "bad at everything they attempt"
rather than "bad ass", etc....)
So, of course, they attacked "us" like they
attacked the other unfortunate people who disagreed with them,
or spoke out against them, or wouldn't show
them the "appropriate amount of respect", or something like that (?),
or who they didn't like the looks of,
or who had certain traits or characteristics, such as stuttering, or certain diseases,
and various other things like that — basically anyone and everyone who they
thought was an "easy target", and whom they could irritate, and antagonize, and anger,
and bother, and enrage, and upset, and cyber-stalk, and IRL-stalk, and anything else
they could think of —
not unlike the unfortunate, sad, pathetic, pitiful little Losers
who think it is fun
and funny to pull the wings off of flies, these people effectively did the same thing
to these others, and then laughed about it. Got off on it. Thrived on it. Reveled in it.
And *laffz* some more. I'm not kidding.
I know it's a bit difficult to BElieve.
That people would actually act that way toward others.
(but not impossible, as we have all come to see and understand over the years)
The people I'm talking about, the
hurtful people, not their (so-called) "victims",
are well-known in certain circles. Some of them
due to the actions of those of us who decided that they
should all BE stopped. They all tried to doo
their dirty deeds in anonymity, using
nicknames and pseudonyms, and other tricks like that
(which they could barely pull off —
they are seriously not brite at all).
BEhind which they
all felt safe and comfy. But, eventually, for a variety of reasons, these false facades have BEen
falling away to bring the cowards out into the light.
Where they shrink, and fade,
and tremble, and writhe in agony, and wither, and "die". A quite cruel and terrible and horrible death,
actually. (just ask them) Which is what they
all deserve. And then some.
BElieve Me when I say that you would not BElieve Me if I told you about some of the things
these Lesser Losers have done to the many, many
mostly (relatively) innocent "victims"/targets of theirs.
Seriously. Suffice to say that these Life-Losers
will never fully understand how truly lucky they
are that I am a half-way decent person and that therefore they will (probably)
never BE the recipients of My full Ire and Wrath. (and that I will never fall to
their level of disgusting lowness in word or deed)
Those who know what has really gone on over the last
several years, especially those unfortunates who have BEen the recipients of these
actions, know that My Cause du Jour of the day is Just and Right and Righteous.
No need to thank Me (as if most of you would, anyway) — that's not why I am dooing
what I doo. (obviously)
Okay, okay, you doone drug it outta Me. Here's just a quick smattering of what
they have doone, and to whom they
have doone it (no names mentioned to protect the innocent), over the last several years.
One of their many modus operandi was
to find a group of people with some "trait" or "characteristic", or mutual interest, that usually
have an on-line discussion forum, and attack them, using their "problem(s)", or whatever, as
the main focus of attack. Or, if they found one specific person,
find a "group" to which they BElong, and/or their friends, family, acquaintances, etc.
Like people who stutter, or lisp, or have some mental, emotional, or physical dis-ease,
illness, or condition, such as depression, or Chrone's disease, or a weight problem. Or an
"alternative" sexual identity ("fags" or "dykes", as they like to refer to them),
or a political affiliation, or hobby or general interest,
such as aliens or UFO's or wicca, or a religious persuasion, especially Christians, or mothers
who love their children and families, but all were open for attack. Basically anyone who was
"different" from them, or even like them.
Their self-hatred allowed them that, as well.
They would then attack and infiltrate these people's lives, and
discussion forums, and IRC chat rooms, and usenet news groups, and whatever else
they could think of. Usually they would stick
to "cyber-lives" and "on-line life" and activities, often using the "excuse" that "cyber-stuff"
isn't "real", which made it "okay", as long as they didn't doo
anything to them in their real lives. (IRL) Butt, they often crossed
over that line, as well. When it was "convenient", or just happened to suit
their fancy at any given time. You know how
these type of people operate.
They are just as likely to doo anything as not.
If they think they can get away with it.
Always trying to stay just this side of illegality. And if it was what any decent person thought
was unethical, well, that's not illegal, so.... Anything's fair in love and war,
right? Right???
And their attacks would take the form of posting content that spoke
against the thoughts and/or ideas and/or BEliefs of the "victims", often taking a nasty,
derogatory, hurtful, disgusting, and similar tone. They would make
fun of them, like hurtful school children in a playground yard. (and we are talking about adults
here, just in case you thought they were children, or young —
yeah, I know.... unBElievable, ain't it?)
They would harrass them, unmercifully, and "cyber-stalk" them all
over the internet. Searching for other groups of which they might BE a part or member. Seeking
out their on-line, and sometimes off-line (IRL), acquaintances, friends, family members and
sometimes even co-workers and employers. And attack them, if they
felt like it, or thought it would bother the initial "victim" as an indirect attack against them.
They would make fun
of their problems, dis-eases, illnesses, ideas,
BEliefs, and the like. Oftentimes making
disgusting, usually sexually-based, explicit
images of the people if they
could find an online image of them. Like putting their head on a
disgusting or pornographic image of people engaged
in "nasty" sexual practices (bondage, bdsm, group
sex, obese people were a favorite theme, and, of
course, homosexuality is always a good attack
against most people, and let's not forget pedophilia
(which these people think is a perfectly
valid attack against anyone, especially if it's not true)),
and anything else they could think up with
their little, tiny, puny,
mentally ill and emotionally ill and spiritually ill, pseudo-creative
minds, with added text and such.
Some of their favorite
tactics were to call women sluts, whores, cunts,
etc., and to call guys fags, homo's, or
pedophiles. One time they found an image of a
baby with crossed eyes that looked kind of odd and
made it look like someone had carved the word
"tard" on its forehead as a bloody scab and
labeled as the mother's child by name.
They liked to refer to
children (and others) as "tards", short for
"retards". (as it happened, this woman's son was
challenged, which they knew beforehand,
had discovered in their
searches for information to use against the mother and her family)
They did these types of things and much, much more.
And, g0d forbid, and how DARE, any one of their
"victims"/targets stand up for themselves (and/or others)
and speak out against them for what
they were dooing and saying
and writing (to and about them, and others). Then these people BEcame
"super-targets" and even more victimized with even
stronger attacks. This is often when they
would start searching for and attacking family members, and such, and
often going into people's so-called "real lives".
This also included anyone who spoke up for and/or
tried to help people who they
were attacking. Like little ol' Me.
(as only one example of a few) Which is why most people
wouldn't speak out against them
and/or help Me ("us") try to stop them all.
Can't blame them too much.... butt they aren't completely blameless, either.
(as they well-know; and with which they will have to live, and such
— they know who they are — good luck with that)
Some of these unethical ASSholes were also members of a group of
people who called themselves "Mockers".
Who we sometimes refer to as "Mockers, Inc.", among other terms.
They were the people who posted on the
Hatesville discussion forum, discussing tactics,
joking about what they were dooing and how well it was working and
what they would doo next and so on.
And, so, I (along with a few others, initially), decided to give these people
a taste of and some doses of their own medicine, so to speak.
Let them feel what it's like. This could only BE a good thing,
since it would help to increase their levels of empathy and such,
and eventually get them to stop what they
were dooing to these other people. And it worked (and is working) like a charm. It's ALL Good!
As I likes to say, "I've shoved
a large, healthy, super-sized portion of their own medicine down
their throats without a spoonful
of sugar to help make it go down. And they are gagging,
and sputtering, and spitting, and whining, and crying, and
pissing and shitting themselves,
and having little baby fitz
about it all. Poor, poor sproggen boBasTard Putzez ALL.
Payback's a Bitch, ain't it? Hurtz like a motherFvcker, don't it?" (in typical fashion,
these Xtreme Losers can dish it out,
butt they can't take it — who would'a guessed that?)
*snicker* LOLOL!!! RotFLMAOBT!!!!!

Many of them have BEen appropriately and thoroughly whip-spanked,
like the scummy, worthless adult-children they are, and have
slinked away into the rotten woodwork of what's left of their so-called lives.
Most of them, in fact. Several down, and a few to go. Actually,
it's probably a never-ending battle, of sorts. Those of us who are decent,
upstanding, caring,
compassionate, empathetic individuals who BElieve in Right and all other Good things know that
these others who are the antithesis of all that is
Good and Right
are like a slow-witted, pyretic, crapulent,
deficient, laughable, absurdly inane bacterial plague on the world.
(that piss-shit themselves
at the mere thought of old-fashioned "sulfa or weak-batch penicillin" — all the while
they think of themselves as some sort
of self-styled "superbug" — RotFLOLOL!!!)
And I am The Cure. (among others — although I have BEen fighting this fight to
the bitter end, while some others have, unfortunately, fallen along the wayside, most of
them for various unfortunate reasons — some of them going
to the dim side to effectively, or actually, join the
Losers — so sad — this type of work is
for the weak-willed, frail-hearted, slow-witted, feeble-brained,
pseudo-principalled, UNethical and low-compassioned and UNcaring but they don't like to
see themselves and/or think of themselves that way, even though they very obviously
fall under that thrashed, leaky umbrella of self-hatred and self-death, et al.)
So all of that (and more) is what all of this is all about. More or less. So to speak.
Just in case you were wondering. Hey! Everyone's gotta have a Hobby. And this is one of My many
part-time avocationary pasttimes and pursuits. When I gots a few extra spare moments.
I am Judge, Jury, and Executioner. Count on it.
And so it goes.... (cue "Ride of the Valkyries" — gotta love Wagner)
p.s. Some of the Losers I'm talking about above are known
individually, and grouped, by, or associate with, the following names, nicknames, "groups",
websites, etc.:
The Mikey WereLitzerz, TMW discussion forum, Two-Bit Media Whores,
"The Knights of Old Navy";
Fellini, Fellini's 8 1/2, Celestin Olani, Celestin d'Olani,
Celestin Dolani, CdO, Jessini, Jess, "Tiffany";
Mikey, MickeyX, RobDeNiro, Cameron Vale; "disinfotainment" {},,,;
'ekton graves';
"Mick and Mallory", MalloryX, Sandra, moonbayou, deepgreensea, Pastor Tammy Lynn Jessup,
Sandra, Lucy Ferr, Chimaera;
Mikey, Michael Theroux, Michael thru-oh, Mikey thru-0, Mikey thru-ø, "Midj",;
SpDrMN, Vox Arachnida {blackwidower@};
Skepticult ("members");
Mocker, "The Mockers", "Mockers, Inc.", Moq 1.0, Moq 2.0, Moq 3.0,
"the 'members' of the Hatesville discussion forum";
vallor, Scot dopey, Scot Doty;
bojango, bo, bojangles;
blue ilk;
vanilla gorilla;
"HH" Hugh (Bris (?) Morles (?) — get it?);
David Lee BassTard, {};
Joanne bishop ("jojo");
clint williams, "rocky jones, space ranger", rjsr, {};
rams, robert stephens, robert a.m. stephens,, {};
"Thomasina Chica Wolverina";
"RCS", Radar Cross Section, Russ, Rusty, The Drunkicide PIMPly-Nell, Sagwa, Runaway Truck Ramp,
calzone {};
pRick jackson;
et al., and a cast of dozens, ad infinitum, ad nauseum....
(and continually modified, updated, and corrected for utmost factual accuracy and
closest absolute truth.... e-mail Me if you think I have left out something important or
made some kind of an error or misstatement, etc.... (last updated — see at top now))
And, now, I bring you the continued and continual and never-ending
Most Well-Deserved Biatch Slapping of the New Millennium.... enjoy....
Doo It!!
Note: All references to the phrase "Niggah, Pleaze", and its various spellings,
are a bitch-slap to the Idiot Jess Tiffany (Fellini), who often likes to spout the phrase,
and, along with his "friends", like(s/d) to pretend they are "black" in the extremely racist
manner and sense that is their basic makeup of who and what they are and choose to be.
So it is used occasionally herein to show him, and them, for who and what they really are.