By the Power invested in Me
by the State of Existence
of My Lost Children
(you all know who you are)
I doo hereby grant
to you one and all
Full Pardon and Amnesty
for any and all
words, thoughts, and deeds
regards the so-called 'Feud',
and everything since and ancillary,
regardless of their current state
of slappage and/or redemption.
May I have Mercy on your Soul.
And, lucky for you, I doo.
As it is Written,
So Shall it BE Doone!
So say We All.
this 31st Day of October, in the year of Me, 2006
in the Land of Nye,
Popeye Theophilus Barrnumb, Esquire
The God of Skinny Punks
Blueberry Pie Eating Contest Champion 1998-2002
BE without fear in the face of Mine enemies.
BE brave and upright that I may love Me.
Speak the Truth, always, even if it leads to My death.
Safeguard the helpless, and doo no wrong.
This is My Oath.
I am ubiquitous — Count on it!
Against the assault of laughter, nothing can stand! — Mark Twain